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Whiteboard Kit - Infographic - Project for AE + Plug-in + Presets (Videohive)

Whiteboard Kit - Infographic - Project for AE + Plug-in + Presets (Videohive)Whiteboard Kit - Infographic - Project for AE + Plug-in + Presets (Videohive)Whiteboard Kit - Infographic - Project for AE + Plug-in + Presets (Videohive)Whiteboard Kit - Infographic - Project for AE + Plug-in + Presets (Videohive)Whiteboard Kit - Infographic - Project for AE + Plug-in + Presets (Videohive)Whiteboard Kit - Infographic - Project for AE + Plug-in + Presets (Videohive)Whiteboard Kit - Infographic - Project for AE + Plug-in + Presets (Videohive)Whiteboard Kit - Infographic - Project for AE + Plug-in + Presets (Videohive)Whiteboard Kit - Infographic - Project for AE + Plug-in + Presets (Videohive)Whiteboard Kit - Infographic - Project for AE + Plug-in + Presets (Videohive)Whiteboard Kit - Infographic - Project for AE + Plug-in + Presets (Videohive)

Whiteboard Kit - Infographic - Project for After Effects (Videohive)
After Effects Version CS5 - CC 2014 | 1920x1080 | 14 July 2015 | No plugins | Tutorial | 365,86 Mb

Whiteboard Kit - Infographic - After Effects CS5 - CC 2014 проект с большим содержанием. Анимированно с помощью Animation Composer (Бесплатный плагин для After Effects). Очень легко редактировать. Очень гибкий. Разрешение проекта: FullHD 1920X1080. 20 предварительно анимированных сцен. Более 100 бесплатных пресетов для Animation Composer. Видео обучение включено.
Whiteboard Kit - Infographic - After Effects CS5 - CC 2014 project with lot of content. Animated using Animation Composer (A free plug-in for After Effects). Very easy to edit. Very flexible. Draft resolution: FullHD 1920X1080. 20 pre-animated scenes. Free 100+ presets for Animation Composer. Video Tutorial Included.

This Item Includes:

Whiteboard Kit AE Project File
AEP with lot of content
Previewer Plug-in
Native plug-in for After Effects for quick preview of images
Whiteboard Presets
Presets for Animation Composer, a free plug-in for After Effects

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