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Glitter Particles Backgrounds Pack - Motion Graphics (Videohive)

Glitter Particles Backgrounds Pack - Motion Graphics (Videohive)

Glitter Particles Backgrounds Pack - Motion Graphics (Videohive)
Alpha Channel: No | QuickTime (.mov) | 1920x1080 | 26 September 2014 | Looped Video: Yes | Video Encoding: Photo JPEG | 744,94 mb

Glitter Particles Backgrounds Pack - пакет из 5 гламурных и блестящих, абстрактных фоновых анимаций, которые могут быть использованы в любой вечеринке, моде, видео акции танцевальных клубов или проектах. Все бесшовные фоны 10 секундной продолжительности. Full HD 1920 × 1080 в 29.97 fps. Прекрасно работает с любым видео редактиром.
Glitter Particles Backgrounds Pack - pack of 5 glamour and glitters , abstract background animations which can be used in any party, fashion, dance club video promotions or motion graphics project. All the bgs are 10 seconds long and seamlessly loop-able. It is done in Full HD 1920×1080 at 29.97 fps. Works great with any editing video application.

Main Features:

• All the bgs are 10 seconds long and seamlessly loop-able
• Full HD 1920×1080 at 29.97 fps.
• Music is not included

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