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Professional 3D App Promo Toolkit for Element 3D - Project for After Effects (Videohive)

Professional 3D App Promo Toolkit for Element 3D - Project for After Effects (Videohive)

Professional 3D App Promo Toolkit for Element 3D - Project for After Effects (Videohive)
After Effects Version CS5 - CC 2015 | 1920×1080 | 27 April 2016 | Element 3D plugin | HTML Documentation | 1.05 Gb

Professional 3D App Promo Toolkit for Element 3D - After Effects CS5 - CC 2015 проект. Простая настройка света, отражения и тени. Универсальные выражения. Разрешение проекта: FullHD 1920X1080. Требуется плагин Element 3D. HTML документация включена. Настраиваемый экранный заполнитель в каждой сцене. Создайте быстрее и проще видео продвижение собственного приложения с новым промо инструментарием 3D устройств.
Professional 3D App Promo Toolkit for Element 3D - After Effects CS5 - CC 2015 project. Easy setup light, reflections and shadows. Universal Expressions. Draft resolution: FullHD 1920X1080. Element 3D plugin required. HTML Documentation Included. Custom screen placeholder in every scene. Create faster and easier your own app video promotion with new 3D device promo toolkit.

Technical Features:

Element 3D plugin required
Full HD Resolution
30 FPS
Universal Expressions
After Effects CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6 & CC compatible
Easy setup light, reflections and shadows
Custom screen placeholder in every scene
Music is not included.

Pack Included:

4 Smartphone Devices
2 Tablet Devices
2 Flat Box model
1 Smart Watch model
21 Male & Female Touch Gestures
120 Pre-Made Scenes
7 UI Animation
Android Interface (Home and Locked Screens)
HTML Documentation

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