3D Transitions - Project for After Effects (Videohive)
After Effects Version CS6 & above | Resizable | 3 April 2018 | No plugins | Video Tutorial | 198 mb
3D Pan Handy Transitions – over 300 presets, for After Effects
Technical requirements:• To use the
Motion Bro extension, requires
After Effects CC.2014.2 or higher.
Watch tutorial.
• To use presets
without an extension (drag-and-drop method),
requires After Effects CS5.5 or higher.
Watch tutorial.
• It is possible to use presets in Premiere Pro, using Dynamic Link.
Watch tutorial.
70 Edge Transitions
65 Spin Transitions
60 Camera Transitions
60 Flight Transitions
How does it work
3D Pan Handy Transitions были тщательно проработаны так, чтобы они были очень легкими в использовании для всех уровней мастерства - просто поместите слой перехода на стыке двух сцен и все готово к работе. Все переходы работают без необходимости делать предварительные композиции или медиа заполнители. Преобразовывают любой контент, расположенный под слоем перехода.
3D Pan Handy Transitions have been carefully crafted so that they are super-easy to use for all skill levels – simply place a transition-layer at the junction of the two scenes and everything is ready to roll. All transitions work without the need to do Pre-compose or Media Placeholders. Transformed any content, that is placed underneath the transition layer.
Free Handy Extension
Features:• Over 300 dynamic transitions
• Supported any resolution up to 4K
• Supported any aspect ratio regardless of orientation – portrait or landscape
• Without media hodlers (adjustment layers system)
• Animation speed control in real time
• Ability to change direction of the slide
• Ability to use in Premiere Pro (via the Dynamic Link).
Tutorial• Does not require advanced skills in After Effects
• AEP-file of Promo video is included
Music is not included
• Font used in Promo (free):
Jersey M54•
Free Demo Presets•
Free Sound FX Pack.
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