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PF Centro Serif Pro Font Family - 8 Fonts

PF Centro Serif Pro Font Family - 8 Fonts

PF Centro Serif Pro Font Family - 8 Fonts
OTF | 8 Fonts | JPEG Preview | 4.71 Mb

Centro Serif Pro is an award-winning typeface. It received a Gold Award from the European Design Awards 2008 and an Excellence Award from the International Type Design Competition 2009 as part of the Centro Pro type system. This large series of 40 fonts with 1519 glyphs each is composed of three superfamilies (serif, sans and slab), includes true italics and supports Latin, Greek and Cyrillic. According to the jury of the European Design Awards “...Centro Pro is an almost ‘invisible’ typeface with distinct personality, it has legibility as its main attribute and is ideal for a wide range of design works. It does not attract any unnecessary attention, but rather serves its purpose. A rare case of contemporary type family working across three alphabets. Centro Pro meets an ever-growing demand for such typefaces among pan-European companies and institutions”. Centro Pro has become very popular among printed media and is ideal choice for newspapers, magazines and corporate applications. Furthermore every font in this series has been completed with 270 copyright-free symbols, some of which have been proposed by several international organizations for packaging, public areas, environment, transportation, computers, fabric care and urban life.

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