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TT Limes font family

TT Limes font family

TT Limes font family
23 .OTF, 23.TTF | multilingual | ciryllic | prew | 12,7 MB

The idea of TT Limes emerged at the seashore last year in late summer. Getting ready in advance for a dark winter, we've decided to design a special fontfamily which would bring a bit of vitamins and summer sun into the rough everyday routine and help us survive the cold winter. TT Limes is both a dream of the sun while it’s gone and a refreshing breeze for the time when it finally gets warm!
The TT Limes collection includes: Limes Sans (Thin, Light, Regular, Bold, Black & italics), Limes Slab (Thin, Light, Regular, Bold, Black & italics), Limes Script, Catchwords and Dingbats. Limes Sans and Limes Slab widely support OT features: tnum, ordn, frac, case, numr, dnom, subs, sups, and Limes Script uses a large number of context alternatives.

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