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TT Teds font family

TT Teds font family

TT Teds font family
18 .OTF | multilingual | ciryllic | prew | 11 MB

Teds is a geometric non-serif with narrow proportions created for universal application in any types of text. Relatively tall lowercase characters, open forms of semi-circular characters, and low contrast between vertical and horizontal lines make this font type easy to read even in small text sizes and for any type of navigation.
We've created a broad coverage for the TT Teds fontfamily varying on the typeface width (Hairline, Thin, Extralight, Light, Regular, Medium, Bold, Extrabold, Black & Italics), which allows choosing the needed font for the most complicated tasks in any situation. Fonts of the TT Teds fontfamily are adapted for web and mobile applications and any other display media specializing in small-size font imaging.

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