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CM - Outline Brushes 193394

CM - Outline Brushes 193394

CM - Outline Brushes 193394
AI, EPS | Requirements: Adobe CS1+ | 13 Mb

Make your digital artwork and designs spring to life with this massive set of 60 art brushes!

Do you find yourself spending precious time adjusting the stroke widths and end shapes of your Illustrator brush marks? If so them these brushes are for you. I created the set to speed up the process of drawing in varied thicknesses and give a more life-like look to vector drawings.

I've grouped the brushes into sets to make them easier to work with. You can see these groups listed below and also in the preview images.

To use the brushes simply select a brush from the tab and draw with the brush tool. The color and width can be adjusted as required.

What's included:

11 general purpose outline brushes.
7 dashed outline brushes.
8 fat end outline brushes.
9 fat to thin brushes.
10 round end brushes.
7 short outline brushes.
6 abstract outline brushes.
A demo file -the skull image - so you can see how I achieved the look from the preview (CS5 to CC only).
Take a look at the full-size preview to see the detail!

Compatible with Illustrator CS1+

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