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Roseland v1.0.1 - A Beautiful WP Blog - Creativemarket 528119

Roseland v1.0.1 - A Beautiful WP Blog - Creativemarket 528119

Roseland v1.0.1 - A Beautiful WP Blog - Creativemarket 528119

Roseland is the latest edition to our collection of stylish blogging WordPress themes. Roseland has been designed to be sophisticated and contemporary, focusing particularly on elegant typography, because after all, you want your readers to enjoy what they see whilst browsing your posts! With Roseland, you can instantly wow your visitors by making use of the striking featured post / page slider, and below this, you can also link to other important areas of your blog (or anywhere you like) with the three attention-grabbing content boxes. Customizing Roseland is really easy and there are a multitude of different customization options available with this theme, as well as different post formats and layouts to keep your blog looking fresh and unique.

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